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Weekly Cards

New Moon in Libra tonight.  The message here is that when it comes to my creativity I gotta get out of my own way. Go to that place underneath all of my mental chatter where Spirit is and just let it flow. In whatever medium I am using. 
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I kept this New Moon focus simple. Although, it's not really simple, is it? To trust. To trust that which I cannot see but that which has never steered me wrong. Even in the midst of working out what I believe and who I believe in and in what capacity, there is something, someone, I know I can trust that is not only within me but also outside of me. It is that 'other' in which I 'live and move and have my being'...It is the interplay between that and my inner wisdom - the Queen or Goddess within - that I practice trusting this moon cycle. Some days I call it God, though lately that name has been so taken in vain by Christian Nationalism that it tastes bad. So I'll sometimes call it Goddess. I'm still shluffing off the masculine-based faith I was handed so that still feels awkward. Then I'll just call it Jesus. That is quite comfortable since I have experienced genuine relationship with the spirit and story of the great Nazarene, but sometimes...

Crow Tarot: 3 of Cups

The Crow Tarot is a gorgeous deck by MJ Cullinane who has created a number of amazing Tarot decks. Each card is rich with imagery. It brings out so much additional depth to the classic interpretation. Here is the Ryder-Waite-Smith version of this card:  The Three of Cups is about friendship and celebration - taking time to revel in  fulfillment. Depending on what is happening at any given time for any of us, this card could bring up anything from happiness, excitement, and gratitude to nostalgia, deep sadness, or grief.  Spend some time with one or both versions of this card.  What is being communicated to you today?  *RWS image credit: 

What is this place?

 Coffee House Tarot is a space for chatting about our spiritual journeys without the expectation that any one path has all the answers or a single understanding of how it all works. The connection to Spirit or Higher Self here will be largely through Tarot and Oracle cards with a sprinkling of other divination tools such as Runes, Soul Collage, or plain old Intuition. It's like hanging at a Coffee House, casually chatting about deep-ish stuff. You are welcome to jump into discussions beneath any of the posts. A few simple rules:  ✌ Be Kind (even if you're disagreeing)  ✌ Be Open-Minded (no proselytizing, please!) ✌ Be the Light (leave baneful magic at the door, please!). Who am I?  I am a Christo-Pagan, a deconstructed EXvangelical Christian who has found freedom away from the Church and associated dogmas. I have found Magic. I found as I embarked on an exploration of my Celtic heritage that I have been practicing Magic within the walls of the church for years (we wo...